Call for Papers
8th Conference of IRAHSSE. Cartagena (Región de Murcia, Spain), 21-23 October 2024
Values in History, Social Sciences and Human Geography Education: Challenges for schools and teacher education
Dear members of IRAHSSE, dear non-member colleagues,
The 8th International Conference of IRAHSSE will take place in Cartagena, Región de Murcia, Spain on 21-23 October 2024. Organized in collaboration with the research group Laboratorio Temporal of the University of Murcia and the Campus Mare Nostrum, the conference will be held at the CIM (Cuartel de Instrucción de Marinería) of the Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena (UPCT).
The conference will aim to:
- stimulate academic and critical exchange and debates on research results or research status
- open debates on projects in progress and project ideas
- encourage the establishment of international, disciplinary, and cross-disciplinary project cooperation between individual researchers and/or research groups
We aim to reach these ambitions by facilitating academic exchanges organized along the following axes:
- State or institutional regulations on value content in History, Social Sciences or Human Geography teaching and learning. Such contributions could focus on school curricula, legal prescriptions, and regulations, on course content or institutional regulations of teacher education programs.
- Specific value content, including its impact on school textbooks and other learning resources, or on actual teaching and learning in schools and teacher education.
- The scientific and public debate on scientific vs value-oriented school teaching and teacher education.
- Other proposals on relevant questions outside the conference main theme.
Contributions focusing on epistemological challenges induced or strengthened by specific values or made relevant by major current or historical public debates or societal developments might fall into all the axes.
Contributions might, for instance, focus on individualism vs collectivism, societal or group values on gender or sexuality or values related to distinctions or relations between social groups and categories. Moreover, they may focus on the relationship between Hhistory and Ssocial Ssciences education and civic, democratic and culturally diverse education. They may focus on questions around mMultiperspectivity, cChallenging hHistorical nNarratives, sSubalternity, and cChanging the scope. Proposals can for instance deal with inclusive values in the teaching of History and Social Sciences (i.e. the visibility of traditionally hidden social groups through transnational approaches), the influence of pPublic hHistory on mMaster nNarratives in the sociocultural context (i.e. implicit and explicit values, the use of cultural icons) or the development of sustainable values (i.e. using broad time frames and multidisciplinary approaches to human intervention on Earth; Big History and the Anthropocene).
Contributions may be contemporary or historically oriented or geographically situated. Contributions can be discipline or school subject specific or cross-disciplinary. Both individual contributions and fully organized sessions might be exploratory oriented, for instance aiming at organizing special interest groups or project groups.
Researchers in the early stages of their career, including PhD-candidates and junior scholars, are much welcome to participate, and in so doing build a network.
Fechas importantes:
- 31/01/2024 - First Deadline for Submissions
- 15/03/2024 - Acceptance
Tópicos / Temas:
- History Education
- Social Sciences education
- Civics
- Multiperspectivity
- Historical narratives
- Public history
- Master Narratives
- Cultural icons
- Geography